Angry Whites Plan Knoxville Rally
In Memory of Murder Victims Channon Christian & Christopher Newsom
By Myranda Morgan
By Myranda Morgan
The recent murders of two young white people in Knoxville, TN, allegedly committed by black assailants, have angered some whites who plan to rally in Knoxville in memory of the victims.Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom were killed in January after being kidnapped, raped, dismembered and tortured by at least four black perpetrators.
According to several websites frequented by whites who are unhappy with what they say is a lack of national media coverage of the case, the rally may be held sometime in the spring.
Their Purpose
The rally organizers hope to bring attention to what they say is a disproportionate amount of black-on-white violence in the U.S.
Alex Linder, Editor of Vanguard News Network, says, "Our purpose in calling this rally is to draw attention to the genocidal System ultimately responsible for the horrendous murders of these two lovely young White people."
Knoxville Media Uneasy?
The Hudson Valley Freeman, which is a blog maintained by one of the rally's supporters, recently posted some email communication he says is between himself and Knoxville TV anchor Gordon Boyd.
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A witness says the suspects in Channon Christian’s rape and murder sprayed cleaning fluid into her mouth to eliminate DNA evidence after the rape then bagged her and put her in a trash can.
She and her boyfriend Christopher Newsom were on a date when they were carjacked and kidnapped. Her boyfriend was murdered soon after the carjacking. She was raped for several days before being murdered.
She and her boyfriend Christopher Newsom were on a date when they were carjacked and kidnapped. Her boyfriend was murdered soon after the carjacking. She was raped for several days before being murdered.
More on the Rally HERE
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Hi and thanks for sharing my aticle. Would you mind posting only the beginning and then linking to it rather than reprinting it in full? It's copyrighted and I get paid for each page view at
Myranda Morgan
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