Thursday, May 17, 2007

Who's Kidding Who?-- Mafia Don Demands Texas Ron "Take It Back"

(Apollonian, 17 May 07)

Whoosh--it was dramatic moment of the Republican debate in South Carolina Tues. 15 May--nothing less than HIGH NOON at the OK Corral, sort of, when Rudy Giuliani, famous Mafia don and former "prosecutor" decided to break a lance for someone (I wonder who?), demanding Texan Ron Paul "take it back." But at least we begin to see and learn something about "big-lie" technique--always remember now, the bigger, the better.

Texas Ron had suggested 9-11 attack was "invited" (the word not used by Paul himself, but the "moderator," prompting Rudy, the tough guy, to pipe up), this against the stupid lies to effect anyone "envied" American wealth and "freedom." Of course every idiot now knows WTC buildings were demolished by controlled implosions, this by means of "inside job" and conspiracy. For USA government's conspiracy theory is brainless, blatant lie, only continuing to stand by the sheer ENORMITY of this most cruel, brutal, and savage mass-murder, propped so pathetically nowadays by complicit, conspiratorial Jews-media (see, "Who Rules America?" bottom frontpage, for expo/ref. on Jew media monopoly).

Mafia don Giuliani blustered that he'd "heard some pretty absurd theories"--which then simply begs the question: well gee, Rudy, what then isn't absurd?--what did actually happen on 9-11?--can u tell us anything? After all Giuliani postures as former "prosecutor"; indeed, he was Mayor of New York city at the time--what does he really know? Texas Ron just continued to smile as the points having been made, moderator decided to "move on" to different topic, mafia don, Rudy, having earned all that AIPAC (Jew spy front) Jew money he's been given for campaign funding--that was how Fox News, illustrious leaders of Jews-media attempted to "frame" and rig the debate. All the subsequent Jews-media polls, interestingly enough, indicated Fox (and Giuliani) failed abysmally. Texas Ron, the famous "Dr. No," is one cool dude, partner--hey, he's just honest unassuming Christian, after all--mafia don Rudy just doesn't impress him.

For Giuliani has something to prove--like say, about WHO DID 9-11? And who or what is this "Al Qaeda" bullshit? Again, note mafia don Rudy is former prosecutor--does he got any "suspects"?--"Al Qaeda"?--who are they, anyway? And the answer girls and boys, for all we know, is "al qaeda" is just fictional, fakey, bunch of "cut-outs" created and run by CIA and Jew/Israeli MOSSAD. Note also it's now essentially proven the London bombings of 2005 were actually carried out by their own (British) MI-6, I understand. The British government assassin who walked up and shot some poor Brazilian guy in the head about 5 times or so, on the occasion, was subsequently PROMOTED too. Note how governments in question, USA and British, don't work for the citizens--rather, they murder and terrorize them fairly indiscriminantly, governments promoting the murderers, threatening, harassing, and intimidating the "whistle-blowers."

And now we know EXACTLY why George Bush II ABSOLUTELY NEEDS AND DEPENDS UPON TORTURE and "enhanced interrogation" in order TO EXTRACT CONFESSIONS (not to get real info) by which to present "evidence" of an otherwise NON-EXISTENT figment of the imagination, "Al Qaeda." Complicit conspiratorial Jews-media is essential too by means of applying endless repetitions for the masses of goyim. And did u hear about ratings for Jews-media CONTINUE TO GO DOWN, down, down--the people turning evermore to mighty internet to get their info. Same old Jew-lies fm Jews-media starts to get old, u see.

Note also an amazing thing regarding this incredible 9-11 conspiracy--there are immediately TWO, not just one, but two large components WHICH MAKE ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE: (a) first is the stand-down of mighty US Air Force (USAF), funded by US taxpayers with Billions, not mere millions, but Billions of dollars, with row upon row of Cray super-computers, satellites in space, etc. Sure was clever and insidious how those pesky Arabs--or "Islamo-fascists" according to Jew-boy and "neo-con" conspirator (see Mike Collins Piper's "The High Priests of War" for expo/ref. on neo-con conspiracy), slick Willy Kristol--could snooker our mighty USAF.

And note George Bush subsequently PROMOTED the guy in charge of USAF which was so pathetically snookered, "whistle-blowers" like Sybil Edmonds gagged/intimidated by such as court-order. Not a peep out of Jews-media. And when someone calls in to such as Sean Hannity and suggests inside job and conspiracy, like about the "put-options" just prior to 9-11, old Sean starts playing Twilight Zone music, cooing, "sure, sure." Hannity's colleague and co-conspirator, Bill O'Reilly, threatens to give any such conspiracy theorists' names to Fox Security who will contact local police.

(b) The other large and outright blatant lie for 9-11 is of course afore-mentioned controlled demolitions of steel-frame buildings, etc., again--enough said about that, as if u don't know, u're beyond help.

And my own observation then as Conspiracy Theorist/psychologist is the amazing point regarding bigness of the big-lie technique: consider how one blatant lie actually seems to serve to actually ADD cover for the other blatant lie for (a) and (b) above--NEITHER ONE OF THEM ABLE TO STAND BY ITSELF, yet each actually seeming to help the other by INCREASING for the SHEER ENORMITY OF IT ALL, the bigger the big-lie, the more effective. And I wonder if Judeo-conspirators (see for expo/ref. on CFR-Bilderberg conspiracy) actually knew all this beforehand regarding big-lie technique.

CONCLUSION: And now we know and see who's really tough, Rudy the mafia don, with all the Jew-AIPAC spy-agency money for campaign funds, who pipes up for Judeo-conspiracy and the big-lie--or humble-but-honest Christian soldier, Ron Paul, our hero fm Texas--who really is toooo nice for these scummy mass-murderers and conspirators. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

Politically Correct Apostate

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