Friday, March 9, 2007

Do NOT Support any form of Hate Crime Legislation, it is only designed to harm Americans, not help them.

Heroic Congressman Awakens To Hate Bill Threat

By Rev. Ted Pike


My hate laws flyer is waking up members of Congress! A copy of a letter from Congressman John Boozman was recently sent to me.

It shows the power of "Anti-Hate Laws Will Make You a Criminal" to persuade lawmakers against the federal hate crimes bill, H.R. 254, now in the House Judiciary.Rep. Boozman begins his reply like most misinformed politicians on Capitol Hill. He asserts that H.R. 254, "David's Law," merely wants to empower the government to punish violent hate crimes in the States. But then, in a virtual paraphrase of my flyer, Boozman says "many are concerned because of legal precedents that similar 'hate crime' legislation has led to in other countries.

In countries such as Canada and Great Britain, 'verbal violence' against a person based on faith, race, national origin, gender, disability or sexual orientation has become criminal under law. This brings up serious concerns for protecting Americans' freedom of speech.

"Boozman concludes the letter by reservedly telling his constituent, Ed Garrett, he will "keep your thoughts in mind." But then, hand-written, Boozman adds, "I will vote NO!

"Breaking ADL Control in CongressBoozman's letter is the first word I have read from a member of Congress warning against what has happened under similar 'hate crimes' legislation in other countries. It is clear Boozman and probably his legislative aides absorbed the logic, argumentation, and even some phraseology from my flyer.

This is a must read article, see the rest HERE

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