Friday, March 9, 2007

Jewish holiday takes on Mexican flavor

[Photo Above] Nechama Greenberg gives a kiss to her son, Menachem, during the Mexican Purim Fiesta that was the theme of Chabad Jewish Center of Oceanside`s Purim Party Sunday. Do You wonder what this Jewess is whispering into her Jewish Child's ear? She's undoubtedly cursing the womb of the mothers of the Mexican Christian's present. [The TALMUD Instructs her to do it - Yebamoth 98a. All gentile children are animals]

I've Been Telling you this for a long time, the JEWS are and have always been behind the immigration movement in this country. JEWS are the ones that are behind forcing us, you and I to accept the 20 - 30 million illegal aliens in this country now. They'll pander to them, but in the end, just as they did with the blacks, JEW's will exploit them for JEWISH purposes. After more than 100 years of exploiting the American black, the community is a basketcase on the edge of the abyss. Now that Blacks have been used up and all Americans universally despise them, the JEW has turned his attention to the Mexican.

If Hispanics are smart, they'll stay away from the murderous and lying kike. Want to get an idea of what the Jews have done to the blacks and what await Hispanics if they ally themselves with the kike? Read HERE and HERE or HERE

Someone ought to tell these Mexicans that they just celebrated the ritual eating of the Gentile enemy of the Jew - Purin is a celebration of murdering the Gentile [non-Jew]

Jewish holiday takes on Mexican flavor

By: JOE BECK - Staff Writer

OCEANSIDE ---- Sombreros mingled with Jewish skull caps, and the strains of mariachi music followed the reading of an ancient tale of liberation and courage as about 120 people gathered Sunday to celebrate the Jewish holiday of Purim at the Civic Center Library.
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Oceanside's fledgling Chabad Jewish Center organized the party, which combined Mexican culture with a Jewish religious observance. The center's founder, Rabbi Baruch Greenberg, moved through the crowd, his brightly colored shawl sometimes brushing up against traditional austere white shirts worn by some of the other men attending.Partygoers lined up at a table holding Mexican kosher food prepared by a chef at another Chabad Jewish center in Tijuana. Kosher food is prepared in accordance with traditional Jewish recipes based on religious dietary laws.The contrast between Jewish and Mexican traditions was all part of his plan, Greenberg said."Every culture has nice things. Every year, we try to do a new thing," he said. "Next time, it's going to be Chinese, Italian or something else.

"Purim commemorates the 2,400-year-old story of how Esther, a beautiful queen, and her uncle Mordechai saved the Jews of Persia from an adviser to the Persian king who was plotting to annihilate them. Ancient Persia occupied the area now known as Iran.Greenberg described the highlight of the party as the reading of the Megillah, which tells the story of Esther and Mordechai. At each mention of the name of Haman, the evil royal adviser, the partygoers followed the tradition of twirling their noisemakers and stomping their feet to drown out his name.

Read the rest at the San Diego North County Times

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