Friday, March 9, 2007

Illegal Aliens Are KILLING Many Americans

Invasion of U.S. costing many lives

By Dan Sernoffsky

Lebanon Daily News

A recent incident in Florida received some national notice, although certain aspects of the incident were downplayed. A young teenager in Florida was kidnapped for ransom but managed to escape unharmed. Police know the identity of the kidnapper, as well as several of his aliases, and are seeking him.What hasn’t been particularly noted, however, is the fact that the kidnapper was an illegal alien.

As the United States continues to fight a war against terrorism, what is being largely overlooked is what is becoming a full-scale invasion of the country from the Mexican border.

It is particularly ironic that while illegal aliens continue to flood into the country, and while apologists for that invasion attempt to facilitate it with calls for amnesty, the United States has determined that legal residents now find themselves required to carry a passport to travel back and forth to Canada. For the millions who live on either side of the Canadian border, and who regularly travel between the two countries for business or pleasure,

Read the rest HERE

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